Fully automatic composting machine

What is Composting?
Composting is taking nature’s help to break up & recycle environmental material into different elements that can be used to nurture plant growth. However knowing the various factors that affect composting can greatly promote the process. Compost Machine Manufacturers is a natural process that occurs in nature all the time. Several worms, organisms & microorganisms contribute to the process. Some of these are antinomy cetes, fungi as well as bacteria. Facilitated by these composting occurs much more rapidly than it happens in a natural way. Besides this the right level of heat oxygen & moisture can speed up the process of food composting.
Benefits of Composting
The biggest benefit of composting is that it helps to reduce & reuse food wastage. This also means that we send less wastage to landfills & save precious land. Compost Machine of food in landfills releases methane in the environment. Moreover the compost generated can be used as natural compost for organic farming keeping produce free of chemicals.
Food Recycling
Food consists of a variety of materials in which some may compost faster than the other. Besides this some items may give out a particular kind of odor which may be unbearable. Meat, bones & dairy products take longer to decompose & give out an objectionable smell. On the other hand vegetable scraps, cores, peels, grains whether they are cooked or raw, stale bread, used tea leaves, coffee grounds will decompose much faster. One can also put in egg shells & corn cobs though this will take more time to break down than vegetables.
Problems in Composting
Composting needs a lot of management and if it is done in the open may attract rodents & scavengers, not to mention the nasty smell. All this creates a challenge for maintaining hygienic conditions. If the volume of waste food is quite high-quality then several other factors also come into play. The popular obvious is storage space, transportation costs, sorting of different kinds of food waste to be composted & so on.
Food Composters
An easier and more practical method is the use of food composters that can handle large volumes of food waste & do not require constant monitoring. The ECOVIM Food Composter by Compactor Management firm does not use any kind of chemicals, enzymes or water & turns food waste into dry bio- mass & potable water that can be reused. The separated water comes out of a separate outlet & is fit for human use. One can also add 10-15% of paper & cardboard that is free of coating. The biomass that it produces is odorless & free of microbes. Available in dissimilar capacities it can be an effective composting method for both households as well as commercial establishments.


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