Organic Waste Converter

Organic Waste Compost Machines Any type of food or organic waste which is ecological can be converted into soil amendment products such as compost. Compost Machine Manufacturers which is a huge problem to dispose off gets treated in our organic waste composting machines at door step itself. Our Fully Automatic Organic Waste Compost Machine with inbuilt Shredder with 100% natural 24X7 composting process comes with Siemens automation, PLC & HMI. Inbuilt shredder helps in reducing the volume of the waste by 80-90% at first step. Compost Machine this Shredded Organic Material after feeding is converted into High Quality Organic Compost within 24X7. Indigenous planned developed & manufactured by SMS HYDROTECH. Fully Automatic Machine with Shredder & Siemens Automation. In built Shredder helps in reducing the volume of organic waste by 60-70% at first stage itself and then sends material to composting chamber for further decomposition DS C...